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引用本文:薛军,郭跟成,阎保定,陈秀玲. 公路优化设计中初始纵断面线的计算机生成[J]. 河南科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 22(2): 69-73
作者姓名:薛军  郭跟成  阎保定  陈秀玲
基金项目:河南省自然科学基金资助项目 (9940 6 10 0 0 )
摘    要:介绍了一种利用计算机产生公路初始纵断面线程序的方法 ,该方法利用三角形高程加权来对原始纵断面线进行平顺 ,并通过改变平顺范围来产生不同的平顺曲线。用最小二乘法对这些平顺曲线的交点进行初步优化后的节点即可视为初始变坡点。将这些变坡点相连并经过约束处理后就产生了一条初始纵断面线。这种计算机自动定坡方法可以在很大程度上减少手工拉坡的盲目性及不确定性 ,在公路优化设计中起着至关重要的作用。

关 键 词:纵断面  公路优化设计  起伏值  节点

The Automatic Design of Highway Profile by Computer
XUE Jun ,GUO Gen Cheng ,YAN Bao Ding ,CHEN Xiu Ling. The Automatic Design of Highway Profile by Computer[J]. Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Natural Science, 2001, 22(2): 69-73
Authors:XUE Jun   GUO Gen Cheng   YAN Bao Ding   CHEN Xiu Ling
Affiliation:XUE Jun 1,GUO Gen Cheng 2,YAN Bao Ding 1,CHEN Xiu Ling 3
Abstract:This article presents a method of providing a initial route of profile which make use of triangular high weighed method when designing vertical alignment of highway. For almost calculating by computer,it can economize the quantity of profile optimization and save a mass of manpower and resource.According to mathematical model set up,the author has developed computer programs in VC ++ 6.0.It has been proved that this method is feasible.
Keywords:Longitudinal sections  Highways optimization design  Waving value  Nodal points
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