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引用本文:纪树新,钱积新,孙优贤. 遗传算法在车间作业调度中的应用[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 1998, 18(5): 34-39. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1998)5-34
作者姓名:纪树新  钱积新  孙优贤
摘    要:在车间作业调度数学表达模型的基础上,讨论了应用于车间作业调度的遗传算法设计,给出了主要包括JSS仿生、JSS遗传进化与JSS仿真三个方面在内的算法模型,提出了JSS连锁基因编码法与JSS遗传进化算子。文章最后给出了应用实例,说明了设计的可能性与成功性。

关 键 词:遗传算法  染色体  连锁基因  作业  算子

An Application of Genetic Algorithms in Job Shop Scheduling System
Ji Shuxin Qian Jixin Sun Youxian. An Application of Genetic Algorithms in Job Shop Scheduling System[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 1998, 18(5): 34-39. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1998)5-34
Authors:Ji Shuxin Qian Jixin Sun Youxian
Abstract:In this paper, the design of "Job Shop Scheduling System Oriented Genetic Algorithm" is discussed; the models mainly including emulation biology,genetic evolution and system simulation are given; JSS linked gene coding method and JSS genetic evolution operator are put forward.Finally, a conclusion given by a test shows that the design is applicable and successful.
Keywords:genetic algorithms  chromosome  linked gene  shop job  operator  
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