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引用本文:潘良炽. 关于戊戌变法的两个问题[J]. 达县师范高等专科学校学报, 2002, 12(1): 74-80
作者单位:达县师范高等专科学校社科系 四川达州635000
摘    要:戊戌变法是一次资产阶级性质的革命运动。以康有为为首的维新派企图通过和平改革 (也不完全排斥使用暴力 )的途径 ,在中国确立君主立宪制度 ,以期最终实现资产阶级的专政。这次革命 ,无论从理论的角度来看 ,抑或是从历史条件来看 ,都具有取得成功的可能性。只是因为历史的偶然性———维新派识人、用人的错误和袁世凯的叛卖 ,才使这次可望成功的革命运动功亏一篑 ,陷于失败

关 键 词:戊戌变法  资产阶级  光绪皇帝  康有为  维新派

Two Problems Concerning the Reform Movement of 1898
PAN Liang chi. Two Problems Concerning the Reform Movement of 1898[J]. Journal of Daxian Teachers College, 2002, 12(1): 74-80
Authors:PAN Liang chi
Affiliation:PAN Liang chi
Abstract:The Reform Movement of 1898 is a revolutionary movement of bourgeois nature. The Reform Group, headed by Kang Youwei, attempted through peaceful reform (not entirely ruling out the use of the violence) to establish the system of constitutional monarchy in the hope of finally realizing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. That revolution, either reviewed theoretically or historically, should have succeeded, but for the historical fortuity ---- the Reform Group's misdeeming and misusing persons and Yuan Shikai's betrayal. Thus, the most hopeful revolution ended in failure.
Keywords:the Reform Movement of 1898  the bourgeoisie  Emperor Guang Xu  Kang Youwei  the Reform Group  
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