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Structural transformation reactions of anthocyanins
Authors:L. -J. Chen  G. Hrazdina
Affiliation:(1) Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University, 14456 Geneva, new York, USA;(2) Present address: The Upjohn Co., P.O. Box 685, 77571 La Porte, Texas, USA
Summary Spectroscopic evidence shows that the flavylium cation (1) undergoes hydroxylation to form the carbinol base (2) and can also deprotonate to form the anhydro (quinonemethane) bases (3a and3b). The anhydro bases hydrate to the carbinol base. The carbinol base above pH 6, or the ionzed carbinol base (2a), undergoes diring fission to produce the cischalcone (4).The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in the authors' brief reports. — Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées das ces brèves communications. — Für die Kurzmitteilungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor verantwortlich. — Per le brevi comunicazioni è responsabile solo l'autore. — Ocytcyvcyiecytcyscytcyvcyiecyncyncyocyscytcyhardcy zcyacy kcyocyrcyocytcykcyicyiecy scyocyocybcyshcyiecyngricyyacy ncyiecyscyëtcy icyscykcylcyyucychcyicytcyiecylcyhardcyncyocy acyvcytcyocyrcy. — Solo los autores son responsables de las opiniones expresadas en estas comunicationes breves.Acknowledgment. This research was supported by a grant from the Welch Food Co., Westfield, NY.
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