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引用本文:于亚群,居珅. 排球规则修改对“自由人”提出新要求[J]. 科技信息, 2010, 0(31): 292-293
作者姓名:于亚群  居珅
摘    要:国际排联决定,于2009年1月1日在世界赛场上,开始实施两项新规则,其一:每队"自由人"可报两人,但只允许一名队员参赛。文章对中国男女排"自由人"现状与不足进行了分析。新规则实施后,对排球运动发展起到什么作用?对"自由人"提出何种新的要求等进行了展望,来挖掘排球运动潜力,促使比赛争夺更加紧张激烈,精彩夺目。

关 键 词:排球  “自由人”  保障技术  要求

Rule Change Poses New Requirements to Libero in Volleyball Competition
YU Ya-qun,JU. Rule Change Poses New Requirements to Libero in Volleyball Competition[J]. Science, 2010, 0(31): 292-293
Authors:YU Ya-qun  JU
Affiliation:Shen(Tianjin Sports School Volleyball Training Program,Tianjin,300060,China)
Abstract:According to FTVB,two new rules will come into play in international volleyball competitions from January 1st,2009.The essay mainly focuses on the first rule,which allows two libero in the registration stage while permitting only one in the actual competition.The essay aims to give an analysis on the situation and shortcomings of china's current libero practice,and discuss the new requirements liberos will have to meet under the new circumstance.Furthermore,the essay explores the possible impact that the new rules will exert on the development of the volleyball in china.
Keywords:Volleyball  LIBERO  Technical Guarantee  Requirements
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