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引用本文:王翠花,张冬梅,毕文波,宋桂云. 旱稻引种试验初报[J]. 内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 19(6): 650-652
作者姓名:王翠花  张冬梅  毕文波  宋桂云
作者单位:1. 内蒙古民族大学,农学院,内蒙古,通辽,028042
2. 通辽金山种业科技有限责任公司,内蒙古,通辽,028000
摘    要:在北纬43.6度,东经122.2度,海拔179.4米的干旱盐碱区引种旱稻品种(品系)11个,结果表明:中选1号气候适应,耐旱丰产,安全成熟。

关 键 词:旱稻  引种

The Primary Report about Introduction of Dry Rice
WANG Cui-hua,ZHANG Dong-mei,BI Wen-bo,SONG Gui-yun. The Primary Report about Introduction of Dry Rice[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities(Natural Sciences), 2004, 19(6): 650-652
Authors:WANG Cui-hua  ZHANG Dong-mei  BI Wen-bo  SONG Gui-yun
Affiliation:WANG Cui-hua~1,ZHANG Dong-mei~1,BI Wen-bo~2,SONG Gui-yun~1
Abstract:At 43.6 degree of north latitude,and 122.2 degree of east longitude(from the cultivation institute of agriculture and science collgeg in Liaoning provine),11 kinds of dry rice were introducted,the result were as following:middle-selected No.1 01HP_8,Dry 9710 and 01HP_(11) can be introducted because they have good adaptable,dry-bearing,super ripe stage etc agricultural characteristics.
Keywords:Dry rice  Introduction
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