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引用本文:张维戈,王良. 电力线路谐波分析仪采样计算方法的研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版), 1997, 0(1)
作者姓名:张维戈  王良
摘    要:比较了现在常用的几种同步采样谐波分析法的优点,并在此基础上,提出一种新的方法:定频采样谐波分析法从而有效的抑制采样测量中的截断效应或泄漏效应,使各次谐波的测量均能达到相当高的准确度,此方法还具有成本低、误差稳定等优点

关 键 词:电力线路  谐波测量  同步采样

A Study On the Method of Calculation and Sampling of Harmonics Analysor for
Power Transmission Line Zhang Weige Wang Liang. A Study On the Method of Calculation and Sampling of Harmonics Analysor for[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, 1997, 0(1)
Authors:Power Transmission Line Zhang Weige Wang Liang
Abstract:The advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of synchronous sampling methods are discussed, and a new method, namely constant ferquency sampling for spectrum analysis of periodic signals, is proposed. By this method, the error with the synchronous derivation (the noncoinsidence between the sampling period and signal period) can be reduced considerablely, and the measuring accuracies of the fundamental and especially higher-order harmonics can be much improved. Furthermore, this method not only is simple but also has stability error.
Keywords:power transmission line harmonics measuring synchronous sampling
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