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引用本文:段杏元 于伟东. 文胸穿着舒适性的影响因素研究[J]. 江苏技术师范学院学报, 2007, 13(4): 63-69
作者姓名:段杏元 于伟东
作者单位:江苏技术师范学院艺术设计学院,东华大学纺织材料与技术实验室 江苏常州213001,东华大学纺织材料与技术实验室,上海200000,上海200000
摘    要:文胸穿着舒适性是女性共同关注的重要问题。从穿着者本身及文胸自身特点出发对影响文胸穿着舒适性的因素进行了调查分析,并着重分析了影响压力舒适性的因素,同时采用穿着试验对影响压力舒适性的部分因素进行了验证。得出:穿着者对文胸的功能及穿着性能的需求影响其穿着舒适性;文胸自身的特点影响其穿着舒适性;压力是影响文胸穿着舒适性的主要方面;影响压力舒适性的因素包括穿着者的穿着习惯、运动情况及文胸的结构、尺寸和面料的弹性。同时,总体压力感和总体不舒适感之间存在正向关系。

关 键 词:文胸  舒适性  穿着试验  心理学标尺

On the Factors Affecting Bra Wearing Comfort
DUAN Xing-yuan, YU Wei-dong. On the Factors Affecting Bra Wearing Comfort[J]. Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, 2007, 13(4): 63-69
Authors:DUAN Xing-yuan   YU Wei-dong
Affiliation:1. School of A rt Design, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, Changzhou 213001,China; 2. Textile Materials and Technology lab, Donghua University, Shanghai 200000, China
Abstract:The wearing comfort of bra is very important to wearers,so that a preliminary investigation on bra wearing comfort has been conducted.Questionnaire inquiry is used to analyze factors influencing psychological and physiological comfort,and the factors about pressure comfort are emphasized and some of them were validated by wearing test for purpose.Based on this investigation,some useful information can be obtained: wearer's requirements on bra's function and wearing property have effect on psychological comfort;bra's intrinsic characteristics have effect on physiological comfort;pressure comfort is a primary aspect of influencing physiological comfort of bra;and the factors of influencing pressure comfort include wearer's wearing habit,the amount of movement,bra structure and size and extensibility of its materials.The experimental results show that there is a positive correlation between total sense of pressure and discomfort.
Keywords:bra comfort  wearing test  psychophysical scale
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