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引用本文:赵荣香,张军朝,梁承刚,常晋仙,薛燕波. 基于MAPGIS与人工智能的太原市防汛指挥视频会商支持系统[J]. 科技情报开发与经济, 2010, 20(14): 135-137
作者姓名:赵荣香  张军朝  梁承刚  常晋仙  薛燕波
作者单位:1. 太原理工大学,山西太原,030024
2. 太原市防汛抗旱指挥部办公室,山西太原,030002
摘    要:阐述了基于MAPGIS与人工智能的太原市防汛指挥视频会商系统的总体思路、设计目标、洪水预报计算模型、系统功能,指出该系统在发生洪水时可迅速采集和传输各种信息,并对其发展趋势做出预测和预报,对夺取抗洪斗争胜利具有十分重要的意义。

关 键 词:防汛指挥视频会商  MAPGIS  洪水预报  实时气象预报  应急预案

Taiyuan Flood-control Headquarters' Video Conference Supporting System Based on MAPGIS and Artificial Intelligence
ZHAO Rong-xiang,ZHANG Jun-chao,LIANG Cheng-gang,CHANG Jin-xian,XUE Yan-bo. Taiyuan Flood-control Headquarters' Video Conference Supporting System Based on MAPGIS and Artificial Intelligence[J]. Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy, 2010, 20(14): 135-137
Authors:ZHAO Rong-xiang  ZHANG Jun-chao  LIANG Cheng-gang  CHANG Jin-xian  XUE Yan-bo
Affiliation:ZHAO Rong-xiang,ZHANG Jun-chao,LIANG Cheng-gang,CHANG Jin-xian,XUE Yan-bo
Abstract:This paper expounds the general concepts,design targets,flood forecast and calculation model and system functions of Taiyuan flood-control headquarters’video conference supporting system based on MAPGIS and artificial intelligence,points out that this system,which can collect and transmit various information rapidly and make the forecast and prediction of flood’s development trends when the flood occurs,possesses very important significance for capturing the comprehensive victory in fighting a flood struggle.
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