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引用本文:唐川林,胡东,杨林. 气举输沙工作特性的实验研究[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2012, 20(3): 440-446
作者姓名:唐川林  胡东  杨林
作者单位:1. 湖南工业大学机械工程学院,湖南株洲,412008
2. 重庆交通大学机电学院,重庆,400074
摘    要:以BHM采矿工具中的核心部件气举为研究对象,设计了小型气举输沙装置.选择河沙模拟井下矿层,并引入水射流喷嘴研究气举底部吸口与沙床表层距离H对气举工作特性的影响规律.结果表明:水射流喷嘴布置方式和H对气举工作特性会产生显著影响,通过合理调整这些参数,可以实现最大排沙量的有效控制.另外,对气举提沙的临界情况进行分析发现,在定浸入率下,提升液体对应临界气量值Qgl相同,均为16.5m3/h;提升固体对应临界气量值Qgs随水射流喷嘴个数N’增加而单调递减,但随H(H>0)单调增加.本研究结论对工程应用具有较强的指导意义.

关 键 词:气举  河沙  水射流喷嘴  工作特性  临界情况

Experimental Study of Performance Characteristics of an Air-lift for Conveying River Sand
TANG Chuanlin , HU Dong , YANG Lin. Experimental Study of Performance Characteristics of an Air-lift for Conveying River Sand[J]. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2012, 20(3): 440-446
Authors:TANG Chuanlin    HU Dong    YANG Lin
Affiliation:1.Department of Mechanical Engineering,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412008,China;2.Department of Mechanical Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400044,China)
Abstract:By taking core component(Air-lift)of BHM as the research object,a small air-lift for Conveying River Sand was designed and the river sand was used as simulation of underground ore bed.The law of distance from sand bed surface to the air-lift suction,defined as H,on the air-lift performance was analyzed in the case of water jet nozzles.Results showed that the water jet nozzles and H had great effect on the performance characteristic of the air-lift,the maximum discharged solid particles could be controlled effectively by adjusting these parameters mentioned above.In addition,the critical condition for lifting solid particles was discussed from a practical viewpoint,the results showed that the critical air flow rates for lifting fluid was 16.5m3/h under same submergence ratio.But for lifting solid particles,the critical value decreased with the increase of water jet nozzles and increased with H(H>0)increasing.It has active guidance meaning and applied value to the engineering practice.
Keywords:air-lift  river sand  water jet nozzle  performance characteristic  critical condition
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