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引用本文:李克来. 呼和浩特马铃薯晚疫病病菌生理小种组成及块茎生理小种毒性与植株感染关系[J]. 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 1988, 0(1)
摘    要:从1969年到1985年17年期间测定了呼和浩特郊区所种植的马铃薯晚疫病菌生理小种成分。查明在晚疫病流行年毒力强的生理小种常常出现或出现比较早。在晚疫病发展受到抑制的年份,通常生理小种1;4和1.4占优势。马铃薯块茎晚疫病菌生理小种毒力和晚疫病流行有一定关系。我们查明在马铃薯混合种植时的晚疫病流行早的份,不同毒力的、生理小种在早熟易感品种块茎中越冬。我们结论是对于晚疫病菌复合生理小种出现来说与新的性基因存在没有必然关系。

关 键 词:马铃薯  晚疫病病菌  呼和浩特

The Composition of Phytophthora infestans Races in Hohhot and the Relationship between the Toxicity of Tuber Races and the Potato Plant Infection
Li Kelai. The Composition of Phytophthora infestans Races in Hohhot and the Relationship between the Toxicity of Tuber Races and the Potato Plant Infection[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimongol, 1988, 0(1)
Authors:Li Kelai
Affiliation:Department of Editor
Abstract:During 17 years from 1969 to 1985 the composition of Phytophthora infestans racesinfected potato plant in the suburbs of Hohhot. Results has been estim ated show that in the year when the Phytophthora infestans was Prevalent, the race of strong toxicity often appeared earlier; In the year when the Phytophthora infestans was restricted usually the races of 1,4,1. 4 were appeared dominant. The toxicity of potato tuber races Phyiophthora infestans has certain relationship with the epidermiology of Late blight. We found that in the year when Phytophthora infestans appeared earlier in the mixed planting of potatoes, the races with different toxicity could be survivl during the winter in the tubers of susceptible early variety. It was considered that there is no obvious relationship between the appearance of compound races of Phytophphora infestans and the new restant genes.
Keywords:Potato  Late blight  Phytophthora infestans  Hohhot.  
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