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引用本文:徐中原. 20世纪以来《水经注》研究综述[J]. 武陵学刊:社会科学版, 2008, 0(5): 140-144
摘    要:20世纪以来,《水经注》研究取得了可观的成绩,呈现出不断深化、拓展与创新的趋势。研究者主要从文学地位、写景成就、文学渊源、版本、作者生平等方面对《水经注》作了探讨,其中《水经注》写景成就一直是学界研究的重点和核心。20世纪前78年,学界对《水经注》的研究比较冷落,研究成果较少,也缺乏深度;20世纪后22年,研究者的视野最为开阔,研究的深度和广度较之以前大幅提高;21世纪以来,研究者基本沿着上个世纪开辟的课题继续探讨,并在研究的广度上有一定的拓展。

关 键 词:2JD世纪  《水经注》  研究综述

Review of Studies on Suijingzhu since 20 Century
Affiliation:XU Zhong- yuan (School of Literature , Suzhou University, Suzhou, 215123, China)
Abstract:Since 20 century, the studies on Suijingzhu have gained delightful achievement and showed the tendency of deepening, broadening and innovating. The researchers focused on several issues such as literature status, scenery portray achievement, literature origin, copies, and writer's life, in which scenery portray achievement always was the core of the research. In the early 78 years in 20 century, Suijingzhu did not attract the attention of the academic circle and there were few research results. In the late 22 years in 20 century, researchers deepened the depth and broadened the scope of the research on Suijingzhu greatly. In 21 century, researchers mainly continued to study the subjects that were opened in 20 century and broadened the research scope again.
Keywords:20 century  Suijingzhu  review
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