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引用本文:郭红建,向中义,宋新宇. 一类具有脉冲接种和饱和接触率的SIRS传染病模型[J]. 湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版), 2006, 24(2): 113-116
作者姓名:郭红建  向中义  宋新宇
作者单位:信阳师范学院学报编辑部 河南信阳464000(郭红建,宋新宇),湖北民族学院数学系 湖北恩施445000(向中义)
摘    要:讨论了一类具有脉冲接种和非线性接触的SIRS传染病模型,利用F loquet和小振幅扰动理论,证明了无病周期解在一定条件下该模型是全局渐近稳定的.

关 键 词:传染病模型  脉冲免疫  全局渐近稳定

A Kind of SIRS Epidemic Model with Satured Incidence and Impulsive Vaccination
GUO Hong-jian,XIANG Zhong-yi,SONG Xin-yu. A Kind of SIRS Epidemic Model with Satured Incidence and Impulsive Vaccination[J]. Journal of Hubei Institute for Nationalities(Natural Sciences), 2006, 24(2): 113-116
Authors:GUO Hong-jian  XIANG Zhong-yi  SONG Xin-yu
Abstract:A kind of SIRS epidemic model with satured incidence and impulsive vaccination is presented.By using the Floquet theory of impulsive equation and small amptitude perturbation skills,it is proved that the disease-free solution is globally asymptotical stable under certain condition.
Keywords:epidemic model  impulsive vaccination  globally aspoptotical stability
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