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引用本文:邬红娟,崔博,吕晋,张绍浩. 武汉湖泊底栖动物群落结构及水质生态评价[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 33(10): 96-98
作者姓名:邬红娟  崔博  吕晋  张绍浩
摘    要:
对武汉11个浅水湖泊底栖动物进行采样,共采到底栖动物22种,其中软体动物18种、水生昆虫1种、水生寡毛类2种,其他种类1种.优势种群是寡毛类的霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)和水生昆虫类的摇蚊幼虫(Tendipes).底栖动物平均数量变幅在146.63~4045.56个/m^2之间,生物量变幅在14.26~1303.8g/m^2之间.采用理化分析、卡尔森TSI综合营养指数、Shannon-Weaver生物多样性指数等4种指数对湖泊进行了生态学评价,评价结果表明,汤逊湖、东湖、北湖、竹叶海是中富营养型湖泊,南湖、莲花湖、月湖、墨水湖、南太子湖、三角湖和龙阳湖是富营养型甚至重富营养型湖泊.

关 键 词:底栖动物群落 水质生态评价 浅水湖泊

A community structure of benthos and ecological assessment of water quality of shallow lakes in Wuhan
Wu Hongjuan,Cui Bo,Lu Jin,Zhang Shaohao. A community structure of benthos and ecological assessment of water quality of shallow lakes in Wuhan[J]. JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.NATURE SCIENCE, 2005, 33(10): 96-98
Authors:Wu Hongjuan  Cui Bo  Lu Jin  Zhang Shaohao
The investigations of benthos from 11 shallow lakes were carned out in Wunan, in total,22. species of the benthos were collected, of which, 18 species are mollusca, 2 species are aquatic oligochaeta, 1 genera aquatic insect. Dominant species in the benthos community are Limnodrilus hoffrneisteri of aquatic oligochaetea and Tendipes of aquatic insecta. The average density of the benthos ranges from 146.63-4045.56 ind/m^2, the average biomass of the benthos ranged from 14.26-1303.8g/m^2. By chemical analysis, Carlson Trophic Status Index, Shannon-Weaver biodiversity index and other 3 indexes, the lakes were evaluated ecologically. The result indicated that Tangxun Lake, East Lake, North Lake and Zhuye Lake are meso-eutrophication, the others are eutrophication, even hyper-eutrophication.
Keywords:community structure of benthos   ecological assessment of water quality   shallow lakes
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