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引用本文:韦受庆. 酸性环境对斑节对虾的危害及酸化控制[J]. 广西科学, 1997, 4(2): 133-136
摘    要:报道演海虾场和文科虾场池水返酸过程,池养斑节对虾对酸性环境反应,池水慢性返酸使斑节对虾发生软壳,维生素C缺乏症,蜕壳不完全等症状,急性返酸到pH值6.11以下时引起对虾突然蜕壳而大量死亡通过对比实验,认为施用石灰提高pH值,施肥繁殖浮游藻类,利用藻类光合作用消耗二氧化碳,降低酸性,大潮时加大换水量,小潮时抽水提高水位,能有效地防止池水返酸,控制斑节对虾酸性环境综合症。

关 键 词:斑节对虾 酸性环境 危害 酸化控制

The Harm of Acidified Environment and the Control of Acidification in Penaeus monodon
Wei Shouqing. The Harm of Acidified Environment and the Control of Acidification in Penaeus monodon[J]. Guangxi Sciences, 1997, 4(2): 133-136
Authors:Wei Shouqing
Affiliation:Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, East Nanzhulu, Beihai, 536000
Abstract:It is reported that the water of Yanhai Farm and Wenke Farm was acidified and Penaeus monodon in pools responded to acidic environment.The shrimps developed the syndrome with soft shell,symptom of vitamin C deficiency,incomplete molting in the slow acidification.The shrimps suddenly molted and died in the quick acidification up to pH less 6.11.The acidification of poolwater could be stopped and the Penaeus monodon syndrome by acidic environment was effectively controlled by the addition of lime to lift pH,application of fertilizers to advance reproduction of phycoplankton consuming carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis of algae,increase of water exchange in large tide, and lift of waterlevel in small tide.
Keywords:Penaeus monodon  acidic environment  harm  stop and control
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