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Rare earth effects on high temperature oxidation of pure nickel at 1000 ℃
Authors:Jin Huiming  ZHANG Jianfeng  YAN Kun  GONG Zexiang
Abstract:Isothermal and cyclic oxidation behaviors of pure and yttrium-implanted nickel were studied at 1000 ℃ in air.SEM and TEM were used to examine the oxide scales formed on nickel substrate.It was found that Y-implantation greatly improved the anti-oxidation ability of nickel both in isothermal and cyclic oxidizing experiments.Acoustic emission(AE)technique was used to study the size and number distribution of defects at the oxide/metal interface.Laser Raman microscopy was also used to study the stress status of oxide scales formed on nickel with and without yttrium.The main reason for the improvement in anti-oxidation and adhesion of oxide scale was that Yimplantation greatly reduced the grain size of NiO and lowered the compressive stress within the scale.In the meantime,Y-implantation inhibited ion diffusion rate in the oxide scale and reduced the size and number of interfacial defects,hence remarkably enhanced the adhesion of protective NiO oxide scale formed on nickel substrate.
Keywords:oxidation  ion-implantation  acoustic emission  laser Raman  yttrium
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