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引用本文:王新红 贝丰. 利用生物标志物追溯沉积古环境[J]. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 1996, 35(1): 90-93
作者姓名:王新红 贝丰
摘    要:以内蒙古海拉尔盆地侏罗系暗色泥岩、原油和鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩为研究对象,利用GC-MS检测其中的生物标志物,研究它们的生物地球化学意义,以追溯沉积古环境.在这些可能烃源岩中,植烷具明显优势;其次,还有大量的类胡萝卜烷和含硫化合物等,可推测出这两个盆地不同时代的烃源岩古时均处于还原环境,有利于有机质的保存与转化,是良好的生油沉积环境.还原环境的确认,为今后在盆地找油找气示明方向,并提供了理论依据.

关 键 词:生物标志物,沉积古环境,还原环境

Trace Back to Sedimental Ancient Environment With Biomarkers
Wang Xinhong. Trace Back to Sedimental Ancient Environment With Biomarkers[J]. Journal of Xiamen University(Natural Science), 1996, 35(1): 90-93
Authors:Wang Xinhong
Abstract:Black mudstone, crude oil in Jurassic in Hailaer basin and carbonate in Ordovician in Ordose basin as objects, biomarkers are detected by using GC-MS to trace back to sedimental ancient environment. In these possible source rocks, phytane are dominate, carotane and sulfer-bearing compounds are detected. Based on the study of biogeochemistry for these compounds, reduction environment is guessed for these two basin in different time in source rocks,which is benefit for organic material protecting and translating. The determination of reduction environment points out the direction of searching for gas and oil in future and provides theretical base.
Keywords:Biomarker   Sedimental ancient environment   Reduction environment  
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