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引用本文:余鑫山,汪文珑. 具部分反射边界条件的迁移方程临界解的离散纵标逼近[J]. 上饶师范学院学报, 1997, 0(6)
作者姓名:余鑫山  汪文珑
摘    要:研究一类非均匀介质,具部分反射边界条件的板几何迁移系统临界解的离散纵标逼近理论。以泛函分析为工具,应用Banach空间上的总体列紧算子理论,证明了近似计算临界板厚度及相应的非负本征函数的离散纵标方法的收敛性。

关 键 词:临界解  离散级标法  总体列紧算子  半非支柱算子

Approximation of the Discrete Ordinate Method for the Critical Solution of Transport Equation witn Partially Retlecting Boundary Conditions
Yu Xinshan. Approximation of the Discrete Ordinate Method for the Critical Solution of Transport Equation witn Partially Retlecting Boundary Conditions[J]. Journal of Shangrao Normal College, 1997, 0(6)
Authors:Yu Xinshan
Abstract:It is investigated that approximation of the discrete ordinate method for transport system ina slab geometry with non-uniform medium and partially reflecting boundary conditions. It is ptoved that convergence of diserete ordinate method to approximately calculate critital thickness of slab and corresponding non-negative eigenfunction, by using collectively compact operator theory in Banach spaces.
Keywords:critical solution  discrete ordinate method  collectively compact operator  seminonsupporting operator
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