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引用本文:杨克昌. 一个分式不等式的注记与推广[J]. 湖南理工学院学报:自然科学版, 2002, 15(4): 9-11
作者单位:岳阳师范学院计算机系 湖南岳阳414000
摘    要:文 [1]提出了一个有趣的涉及两个正数序列的分式不等式 ,文 [2 ]纠正了该不等式的条件。进一步的研究改进了这一条件 ,并把这一不等式推广到多序列情形。

关 键 词:分式  Radon不等式  加权平均不等式  赫尔德不等式

A Note and Generalization of a Fractional Inequality
YANG Ke chang. A Note and Generalization of a Fractional Inequality[J]. Journal of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, 2002, 15(4): 9-11
Authors:YANG Ke chang
Abstract:An interesting Fractional inequality concerned with two sequences of positive numbers was presented in .The conditions under which the inequality holds were corrected in.In this paper we improve the conditions and generalize the inequality to the case concerned with more sequences of positive numbers.
Keywords:fraction  Radon inequality  mean value inequality  Holder inequality
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