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引用本文:陈德来,洪波,谢志武,翁史烈. 高效的部分异步并行仿真的研究及应用[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 1999, 21(12): 77-80
作者姓名:陈德来  洪波  谢志武  翁史烈
摘    要:提出了连续系统的部分异步并行仿真算法及其在多计算机系统上的实现方法。为保证仿真结果的正确和提高仿真速率 ,所提出的连续系统的高效的部分异步并行仿真方案和适应消息传递的星型虚拟拓扑结构方案可有效地解决连续系统仿真的“算法 -结构匹配问题”。多计算机系统上连续系统仿真的特点之一是处理器间的通信非常频繁且消息很短 (一般为数个或数十个浮点数 ) ,因而在实现部分异步并行仿真时采用了异步传输方式来减少通信开销在仿真计算中的比例。实验结果表明 ,所提出的部分异步并行仿真比其对应的同步仿真具有更高的并行计算效率。

关 键 词:并行处理  计算机系统  模拟  运算

Research and Practice of Efficient Partially Asynchronous Parallel Simulation
Chen Delai,Hong Bo,Xie Zhiwu,Weng Shilie. Research and Practice of Efficient Partially Asynchronous Parallel Simulation[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 1999, 21(12): 77-80
Authors:Chen Delai  Hong Bo  Xie Zhiwu  Weng Shilie
Abstract:This paper presents partially asynchronous parallel simulation of continuous system(PAPSoCS) and some approaches to the issues of its implementation on a multicomputer system. To guarantee the simulation results correction and speedup the simulation, the scheme for efficient PAPSoCS is proposed and the virtual topology star is constructed to match the path of messae passing for solving algorithm architecture adequation problem. Under the circumstances that messages frequently passed interprocessors are much shorter, typically within several 4 bytes, asynchronous communication mode is employed to reduce the communication ratio. Experiment results show that the asynchronous parallel simulation has much higher efficiency than its synchronous counterpart.
Keywords:Parallel processing Asynchronous computation Virtual topology Multicomputer system Simulation
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