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引用本文:李勇,熊裕聪,张晓菲. 用于移动设备应用程序的群密钥交换方案[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 0(10): 1294-1299
作者姓名:李勇  熊裕聪  张晓菲
基金项目:国家“八六三”高技术项目(2009AA01Z423); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2009JBM004)
摘    要:为了解决当前基于云计算技术的弹性应用程序模型安全通信问题,该文提出一种群密钥管理方案。这一方案使用分类预测和基于公钥密码学的密钥交换方法相结合的方式,通过数据挖掘中的分类预测方法来完成密钥协商过程中的认证操作,并使用公钥密码学中的密钥共享技术实现密钥的交换。对所设计的方案进行了能耗分析并与其他方案进行了对比。分析结果表明:本文方案可以有效降低密钥交换协议的能量消耗,适用于移动设备安全通信。

关 键 词:云计算  弹性应用程序  群密钥交换  分类预测

Group key agreement scheme for mobile applications
LI Yong,,XIONG Yucong,ZHANG Xiaofei. Group key agreement scheme for mobile applications[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2011, 0(10): 1294-1299
Authors:LI Yong    XIONG Yucong  ZHANG Xiaofei
Affiliation:LI Yong1,2,XIONG Yucong1,ZHANG Xiaofei3(1.Key Laboratory of Communication & Information Systems of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China,2.Network and Data Security Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 611731,3.China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center,Beijing 100085,China)
Abstract:This paper presents a group key agreement scheme using public key exchange and data mining methods to solve security issues in an elastic application model based on cloud computing.Classification and prediction are used for the key exchange authentication using public key encryption.The scheme is proven secure and the energy consumption is compared with other key agreement schemes to show that this scheme provides better energy conservation.
Keywords:cloud computing  elastic application  group key agreement  classification and prediction  
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