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iOS APP中框架的搭建及TabBar的自定义创建的分析
引用本文:张华,杨凯淇. iOS APP中框架的搭建及TabBar的自定义创建的分析[J]. 长春工程学院学报(自然科学版), 2016, 17(4): 100-104. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8984.2016.04.026
作者姓名:张华  杨凯淇
摘    要:在设计一个iOS APP时,首先要分析其所有的功能并进行按模块划分,然后要根据划分出来的模块进行整体框架的搭建和TabBar的设计,两者的合理设计对整个APP有重要影响,以新浪微博为例,详细介绍了APP中框架的搭建和TabBar的自定义创建.

关 键 词:iOSAPP  框架  TabBar  新浪微博

The Construction of iOS APP Framework and the Analysis of the Self-defined Creation of Tab Barin
Abstract:During the design an iOS APP,all the functions should be firstly analyzed and module classifications should be made.Then the whole framework construction and Tab Bar design should be done according to the classified modules.The reasonable design to both parts is important to the whole APP.Taking Sina Weibo as an example,this paper introduces in detail the framework construction in APP and the self-defined creation of Tab Bar.
Keywords:iOS APP  framework  TabBar  SinaWeibo
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