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引用本文:徐敏,徐新萍. 关于图的圈和退化圈分拆的一个注记[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2003, 33(6): 663-667
作者姓名:徐敏  徐新萍
作者单位:1. 中国科学技术大学数学系,合肥,230026
2. 江苏教育学院数学与计算机科学系,南京,210013
基金项目:SupportedbyNNSFC (No .1 0 2 71 1 1 4andNo .1 0 30 1 0 31 )
摘    要:
设G是一个n阶图,k是满足2≤k≤n的正整数,于是得到了如下结论:如果图G的任何一对不相邻的顶点{u,v},都满足max{dG(u),dG(v)}≥(n-k 3)/2,则存在k个点不交的子图Hi,使得V(G)=V(H1)∪V(H2)∪…∪(Hk),其中Hi为一个圈或一个点或一条边.

关 键 词:圈 分拆 最大度 退化圈

A Note on partition of a Fraph into Cycles and Degenerated Cycles
Abstract. A Note on partition of a Fraph into Cycles and Degenerated Cycles[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2003, 33(6): 663-667
Let G be a graph of order n and k be any positive integer with 2 ≤ k ≤ n. In this paper, we prove that if the maximum degree of any pair of nonadjacent vertices is at least (n - k + 3)/2 (2 ≤ k ≤ n), then Gcan be partitioned into k subgrapbs Hi, 1 ≤ i ≤ k,where Hi is a cycle or K1 or K2.
Keywords:cycle  partition  maximum degree  degenerated cycle
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