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引用本文:陈士俊,王梅,李军. 论我国高校学科结构的协调发展[J]. 科学管理研究, 2004, 22(6)
作者姓名:陈士俊  王梅  李军
摘    要:本文从对我国学科结构研究的现状入手 ,以雷达图为研究工具 ,概括出我国高校学科结构的偏振型和均衡型两种模式 ,以耗散结构理论的启发为依据 ,揭示了我国高校学科结构协调发展的要义、必要性和应注意的问题。

关 键 词:学科  结构  协调发展  雷达图  耗散结构理论

Harmonious development of discipline in our higher school
Chen Shijun,Wang Mei,Li Jun. Harmonious development of discipline in our higher school[J]. Scientific Management Research, 2004, 22(6)
Authors:Chen Shijun  Wang Mei  Li Jun
Abstract:Based on the analysis of statue quo in discipline structure in China,using radar chart,this paper sums up two patterns of that:polarization and equilibrium,and according to the theory of dissipative structure,points out the core notion,mece ssarily and some issues must be pay attention to in harmonious development of di scipline in our higher school.
Keywords:Discipline  Structure  Harmonious development  Radar Char t  Theory of dissipative structure
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