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引用本文:卢小平,龚秀娟,余龙. 地幔对流的热力学耦合机制[J]. 甘肃科学学报, 2017, 29(5). DOI: 10.16468/j.cnki.issn1004-0366.2017.05.002
作者姓名:卢小平  龚秀娟  余龙
作者单位:兰州理工大学 石油化工学院,甘肃 兰州,730050
摘    要:板块构造学建立以后,地幔对流运动被普遍认为是板块运动的驱动力,但目前尚未对其蕴含的热力学机制给出解释。基于广义的卡诺热机模型,通过对地幔与地表所构成的准孤立系统的分析,揭示了系统中自发传热过程与非自发的广义做功过程,即地幔机械流动过程之间的热力耦合机制,建立了地幔对流过程中热能向机械能转变的数学模型。结果表明,地幔对流的本质是自发传热过程驱动了非自发的地幔机械运动过程,由热能所转变的总机械能的大小,即地幔机械运动的强度,不但与地幔与地表之间的温差大小有关,而且与地幔向地表热量释放的强度有关。进一步从全新的角度给出了包括火山喷发、地壳板块表面大坝的渗透及板块缝隙注水等地震引发因素的热力学解释。

关 键 词:广义热机模型  地幔对流  热力学耦合

Thermodynamic Coupling Mechanism of Mantle Convection
Lu Xiaoping,Gong Xiujuan,Yu Long. Thermodynamic Coupling Mechanism of Mantle Convection[J]. Journal of Gansu Sciences, 2017, 29(5). DOI: 10.16468/j.cnki.issn1004-0366.2017.05.002
Authors:Lu Xiaoping  Gong Xiujuan  Yu Long
Abstract:After the establishment of plate tectonics,mantle convection is generally considered to be the driving force of plate motion,but has yet to give its interpretation of thermodynamic mechanism.Based on the generalized Kano thermal engine model,through the analysis of the quasi isolated system of the mantle and surface,the spontaneous heat transfer process and the spontaneous generalized work process were re-vealed,that was thermodynamic coupling mechanism between mantle mechanical flow processes,a mathe-matical model for the transformation of heat energy into mechanical energy during mantle convection was established.The results showed that the nature of mantle convection was the spontaneous heat transfer process,which drived the non spontaneous mechanical movement of mantle,the magnitude of the total me-chanical energy transferred by heat,that was the strength of the mechanical motion of the mantle,was not only related to the temperature difference between the mantle and the earth surface,but also to the intensi-ty of the heat release from the mantle to the earth′s surface.Furthermore,the thermodynamic explanation of the earthquake triggering factors,including volcanic eruption,infiltration of the earth′s crust,surface of the dam and water injection in the plate gap,was given from a new angle.
Keywords:Generalized heat engine model  Mantle convection  Thermodynamic coupling
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