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坚持政教分离 积极引导藏传佛教与社会主义社会相适应
引用本文:胡岩. 坚持政教分离 积极引导藏传佛教与社会主义社会相适应[J]. 西藏大学学报, 2009, 0(4): 13-18
摘    要:西藏的政教分离是民主改革最重要的成果之一,是20世纪中叶西藏社会发生的一次历史性进步。西藏的社会生产力由此得到解放,党和政府宗教信仰自由政策在西藏的实行也由此具备了条件。民主改革以来,藏传佛教不可避免地发生了巨大的变化,但是仍然存在一些问题,如部分僧人不能与达赖集团在政治上划清界限、农牧民群众的生产、生活受到藏传佛教的影响,等等。正确认识和有针对性地处理好这些问题,才能坚持政教分离,积极引导藏传佛教与社会主义社会相适应。

关 键 词:政教分离  藏传佛教  社会主义

The Separation of the State and Religion Leading to the Adaptation of Tibetan Buddhism to the Socialist Society
Affiliation:HH Yan (Scientific Socialism Teaching and Research Department, Chinese Communist Party's Central School Beijing 100081)
Abstract:The separation of the state and religion is the most important outcome of the democratic reform in the middle of 20th century in Tibet and is a historic progress. Tibet's social productivity has been improved and the Party and government's policy on religious freedom in Tibet has been put into practice. Dramatic changes of Tibetan Buddhism have taken place since the democratic reform, however, there are still some problems, such as some monk still cannot draw a clear line with the Dalai's Cliche, and the farmer' life is still, in some sense, affected by Buddhism, etc. Only when these issues can be properly tackled with, the separation of the state and religion can be realized and Tibetan Buddhism can adapt to the socialist society.
Keywords:the separation of the state and religion  Tibet Buddhism  socialist
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