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基于信道占用率的Ad Hoc网络自适应公平性算法
引用本文:赖晓晨,刘全利,任志磊,赵莹. 基于信道占用率的Ad Hoc网络自适应公平性算法[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2016, 56(1): 41-49
作者姓名:赖晓晨  刘全利  任志磊  赵莹
摘    要:Ad Hoc网络中,节点通过竞争信道完成通信,如果竞争窗口值选取策略不合理,则容易造成公平性问题.在分析现存典型公平性算法的实现机制基础上,提出了信道占用率的概念,设计了一种基于信道占用率的Ad Hoc网络自适应公平性算法.根据节点对通信历史及当前信道占用率与理想信道占用率之间的关系,将通信情况分为4种类别,再结合当前网络负载情况,动态设置竞争窗口值.仿真结果表明,该算法在改善吞吐量的同时,显著提高了节点信道接入公平性,在各种负载条件下表现良好,优于BEB、MILD、MIMD和NAVB等算法.

关 键 词:Ad Hoc网络;公平性;竞争窗口;吞吐量

Channel occupancy rate-based adaptive fairness algorithm for Ad Hoc network
LAI Xiaochen,LIU Quanli,REN Zhilei,ZHAO Ying. Channel occupancy rate-based adaptive fairness algorithm for Ad Hoc network[J]. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2016, 56(1): 41-49
Authors:LAI Xiaochen  LIU Quanli  REN Zhilei  ZHAO Ying
Abstract:In Ad Hoc network, nodes compete channels to communicate. It is likely to cause fairness problems if the selection strategy of collision window value is unreasonable. With the analyses of the implementation mechanisms of existing typical fairness algorithms, a concept of channel occupancy rate is raised. Based on this concept, an adaptive fairness algorithm for Ad Hoc network is proposed. The network correspondence is classified into four types according to the history of correspondence and the relationship between the current channel occupancy rate and the ideal channel occupancy rate. In each type, the collision window value of node is set dynamically based on the current network load. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs well under various load conditions. It can significantly improve fairness of channel access among nodes as well as throughput, so it is better than BEB, MILD, MIMD and NAVB algorithms.
Keywords:Ad Hoc network   fairness   collision window   throughput
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