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引用本文:张蕾. 黄河潜伏着大洪水的隐患[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 1(6): 100-102
作者单位:江苏教育学院地理系,江苏南京 210013
摘    要:黄河下游的主要问题是河道淤积,大堤加高,造成高堤悬河,一遇大水年份,洪水出槽漫滩,极易造成顺堤行洪,冲濯大堤,酿成大祸。而且,在黄河缺水断流的情况下,这种险情正在加剧。黄河一旦决堤可能造成的损失也是十分巨大的。黄河下游水患的根治必须采取“拦,调,排,放”等多种途径综合治理。

关 键 词:大洪水  对策  泥沙

Toward the Potentia lD isaster o f F lash F lood ing at Lower Reachesof the Ye llow River
ZHANG Lei. Toward the Potentia lD isaster o f F lash F lood ing at Lower Reachesof the Ye llow River[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2000, 1(6): 100-102
Authors:ZHANG Lei
Affiliation:Department of Geography, Jiangsu Education College, Nanjing 210013, China
Abstract:This paper dem on strates that thema in po tential disaster of lower reaches of the Ye llow R iver is that due to sedim en tat ion of riverbed and hig hten ing o f the levee, once ex cessive precipita tion occurrs, f lash f loo ding w ill ove rf low the levee and d isch arg e w a te r a long the levee. A nd under the condit ion o f absence o f f low in the Y e llow R ive r, the situ at ion is deter io ra ted, the po ssib le lo ss w ou ld be ve ry la rg e. In o rde r to abso lute ly so lve th is po ten tia l prob lem, sy stem a tic eng inee ring, includ ing m easures such as barring, assig n ing, dra in ing, discharg ing, m ust be app lied.
Keywords:flash f lood ing   coun term easu re   mud and sand
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