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引用本文:董丽,邢春晓,王克宏. 基于不同数据集的协作过滤算法评测[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 49(4): 590-594
作者姓名:董丽  邢春晓  王克宏
摘    要:针对协作过滤算法评测中普遍采用单一数据集,该文将传统的User-based(近邻数为20)、Item-based、Itemaverage、Item user average和Slope One 5种算法应用于MovieLens和Book-Crossing两种数据分布特征不同的数据集。结果显示,在Movielens这种评分值相对比较稠密的数据集上,Slope One算法的预测精度最好;而在评分值相对比较稀疏的Book-Crossing数据集上,Item-based算法的预测精度最好,Slope One的预测精度最差。选择算法应根据用户和资源分布具体情况确定。

关 键 词:协作过滤  个性化推荐  算法评测

Collaborative filtering algorithm evaluation for various datasets
DONG Li,,XING Chunxiao,WANG Kehong. Collaborative filtering algorithm evaluation for various datasets[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2009, 49(4): 590-594
Authors:DONG Li    XING Chunxiao  WANG Kehong
Affiliation:1.Department of computer Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China;2.Tsinghua University Library;3.Research Institute of Information Technology;China
Abstract:Most collaborative filtering(CF) research has focused on doing experiments on single dataset or datasets with the same characteristics.This paper presents an analysis of several typical CF algorithms,the User-based KNN method(with 20 neighborhoods),the item-based method,the item average method,the item user average method,and the Slope One method.These algorithms are evaluated on two types of datasets,Movielens and Book-Crossing,which have different user-item distribution characteristics.The results show fo...
Keywords:collaborative filtering  personalized recommendation  algorithm evaluation  
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