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引用本文:王国林,许荣庆,刘永坦. ISAR运动补偿的快速方法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 1996, 0(5)
作者姓名:王国林  许荣庆  刘永坦
摘    要:本文提出的一种新的ISAR运动补偿方法,是在文献[1]的复相关包给对准及相位中心对准补偿方法基础上进行改进的。这种方法减少了运动补偿的运算量,提高了距离和相位对准的精度,并能显著地改善回波信号起伏时的目标成像质量。

关 键 词:雷达技术,雷达成像, ̄+逆合成孔径雷达,补偿跟踪

A Fast Method for ISAR Motion Compensation
Wang Guolin,Xu Rongqing and Lu Yongtan Harbin Institute of Technology,). A Fast Method for ISAR Motion Compensation[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 1996, 0(5)
Authors:Wang Guolin  Xu Rongqing  Lu Yongtan Harbin Institute of Technology  )
Affiliation:Wang Guolin,Xu Rongqing and Lu Yongtan Harbin Institute of Technology,150001)
Abstract:A new motion compensation method for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is presented in this paper, which is a result of the improvement on the methods of range profile and phase center alignment in Ref.[1]. This method can decrease the arithmetic operations for motion compensation, and can improve the range and phase alignment accuracy. Furthermore, it can improve the imaging quality of the targets whose echoes are fluctuant.
Keywords:Radar technology   Inverse synthetic aperture radar   Motion compensation.
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