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作者姓名:梁振声  詹春耿  冯文文  段佳君  江峰
作者单位:1.华南师范大学 化学与环境学院
摘    要:沿海城市下水道易受潮汐影响,使得部分海水周期性地进出城市排水管网,从而改变下水道中的硫化氢产生与转化过程. 为此,通过实验和数学模型评估香港排水管网某感潮管段受潮汐作用影响. 实验结果表明,潮汐作用显著提高了下水道污水的硫化物峰值,导致硫化氢污染情况明显恶化;同时硫化物浓度与潮位呈反比,出现周期性变化;但海水入侵带来的溶解氧和稀释作用一定程度上缓和了这一影响,体现为大潮时的硫化物峰值浓度相对提升较少. 建立的下水道感潮管段水质数学模型可以较好地模拟、再现这一过程. 以上结果表明,潮汐作用使下水道的硫化氢污染问题恶化并使硫化物浓度随潮汐涨退呈周期性变化,通过数学模型优化控硫药剂投加方案可以实现更有效、更经济的感潮管段硫化氢污染控制.

关 键 词:沿海城市

Study on Hydrogen Sulfide Production under Tidal Effects in Coastal City Sewers
Institution:1.1. School of Chemistry and Environment,South China Normal University
Abstract:Sewers in coastal cities are suffering from pipeline breakage and seawater intrusion caused by tide. The periodically entered sulfate-laden seawater significantly changed the sulfate level and hydraulic retention time in tidal sewers. As a result, odor and pipe corrosion problems occur due to the hydrogen sulfide formation. In order to evaluate the influences on sulfide formation in tidal sewer sections by tide, experiments were conducted to simulate sulfide formation in a tidal sewer section. The results showed that the seawater intrusion by tide significantly increased the peak sulfide concentrations in the sewage and resulted in serious sulfide pollution. The sulfide peaks appeared at the lowest tide every day. However, aerobic seawater to some extent oxidized and diluted the sulfide produced in the tidal sewer section, alleviating the serious sulfide problem. The developed mathematical model well simulated the tidal sewer processes, especially the sulfide transformation. Using this model, nitrate dosing as a sulfide control measure was evaluated and optimized for this modeled tidal sewer section. The results reveal that, tide would seriously promoted the sulfide formation and increased peak sulfide concentration in tidal sewer section, and the proposed tidal sewer process model would be a helpful tool for further research and sulfide control.
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