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基于DEM 数据的地貌类型快速划分系统研究
引用本文:仲伟敬,邢立新,潘军,王婷,王凯,张文哲. 基于DEM 数据的地貌类型快速划分系统研究[J]. 吉林大学学报(信息科学版), 2018, 36(5): 516-524
作者姓名:仲伟敬  邢立新  潘军  王婷  王凯  张文哲
作者单位:1. 吉林大学 地球探测科学与技术学院,长春130026; 2. 西安卫星测控中心 第一活动站,陕西 渭南714000
基金项目:中国地质调查局基金资助项目( 1212010761502)
摘    要:
为实现地貌类型快速划分,以前人研究成果为基础,采用DEM( Digital Elevation Modeldata) 数据,将地貌信息提取流程化: 利用均值变点分析法获取宏观地形因子的最佳窗口、根据算法模型提取可反映地貌信息的8 种地形因子、对各地形因子统一量纲、获得地形因子间相关系数矩阵、采用雪式熵值法取得最佳地形因子组合,最后通过ENVI( The Environment for Visualizing Images) 软件中的非监督分类实现地貌类型划分。基于ENVI二次开发平台,采用IDL( Interactive Data Language) 语言进行编程实现,对地貌类型实现全( 半) 自动智能、快速划分。并以长白山作为研究区,从宏观和微观对地貌进行划分,并对分类结果评价分析,结果较好。该系统的实现,不仅对地貌类型提取流程化、集成化,对我国广大范围内地貌填图也具有重要的现实意义。

关 键 词:DEM 数据   ENVI 软件/IDL 语言   最佳地形因子组合   地貌划分   长白山  

Study on Fast Partitioning System of Geomorphic Types Based on DEM Data
ZHONG Weijing,XING Lixin,PAN Jun,WANG Ting,WANG Kai,ZHANG Wenzhe. Study on Fast Partitioning System of Geomorphic Types Based on DEM Data[J]. Journal of Jilin University:Information Sci Ed, 2018, 36(5): 516-524
Authors:ZHONG Weijing  XING Lixin  PAN Jun  WANG Ting  WANG Kai  ZHANG Wenzhe
Affiliation:1. School of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130026,China;2. First Activity Station,Xi'an Satellite Control Center,Weinan 714000,China
In order to realize the rapid classification of geomorphologic type,based on the previous research results,using DEM ( Digital Elevation Modeldata) ,the process of extraction of landform information is made.According to the algorithm model,the optimal window of macro topographic factors is obtained by means of mean variation point analysis,eight topographic factors that can reflect the landform information are extracted. The dimensions of each terrain factor are unfied. The correlation coefficient matrix and the optimum combination of topographic factors are obtained by using snow entropy method. The classification of geomorphic types is realized through non-supervised classification by ENVI ( The Environment for Visualizing Images) software. Based on the secondary development platform of ENVI,adopting IDL ( Interactive Data Language) language to implementprogram,complete automatic ( half) intelligent and quick division of landform types is realized. Taking the changbai mountain as the research area,from the macroscopic and microscopic classifying landscape,the result of evaluation and analysis of classification results are good. The realization of the system is of great practical significance to the processing and integrating geomorphic types and to the wide range of landform mapping in China.
Keywords:digital elevation model ( DEM) data   the environment for visualizing images ( ENVI) software /interactive data language ( IDL) language   combination of the best terrain factors   geomorphology  changbai mountains
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