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引用本文:凌有铸,刘力. SPWM逆变器的波形生成过程中的问题及对策[J]. 安徽工程科技学院学报:自然科学版, 2000, 15(1): 23-26
作者姓名:凌有铸  刘力
作者单位:1. 安徽机电学院电气工程系安徽芜湖 241000
2. 安徽阜阳卷烟厂安徽阜阳 236020
摘    要:SPWM逆变器波形生成过程中遇到的问题主要有载波比切换过程中的冲击电流及逆变器输出频率较高时为限制谐波含量的调制方法 对这两个问题进行了探讨并提出了一种行之有效的解决方法 运行结果表明 ,采用这种方法后 ,逆变器的输出电压不发生跳变 ,几乎没有冲击电流 ,且输出谐波含量小

关 键 词:SPWM逆变器  谐波含量  波形生成方法

A solution to the major problems occuring in the wave- generation process of SPWM inverter
LING You-zhu ,LIU Li. A solution to the major problems occuring in the wave- generation process of SPWM inverter[J]. Journal of Anhui University of Technology and Science, 2000, 15(1): 23-26
Authors:LING You-zhu   LIU Li
Affiliation:LING You-zhu 1,LIU Li 2
Abstract:The artical probes into two major problems occuring in the wave-generating process of SPWM inveter, the carrier rate, the impacting current in the process of switch and the moduclation to the high output frequency. An effective solution is put forward and under the solution, the fluctuation of the output voltage of inveter stops and the output harmomics is lower.
Keywords:SPWM inveter  harmonics  wave-generating  
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