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引用本文:杨苓,陈燕东,罗安,怀坤山,周乐明. 一种鲁棒脉宽调制的无差拍并网控制方法[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 45(10): 72-79
作者姓名:杨苓  陈燕东  罗安  怀坤山  周乐明
作者单位:(1.国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心(湖南大学),湖南 长沙 410082;2.广州供电局有限公司, 广东 广州 510620)
摘    要:在并网逆变器的无差拍电流控制中,逆变器输出滤波电感值变化和滞后一拍延时会直接影响并网电流的畸变率、系统稳定性与动态响应速度.对此,本文提出了一种鲁棒脉宽调制的无差拍并网控制方法,减小了因滤波电感值变化对并网电流造成的畸变,有效地解决了滞后一拍控制引入的延时问题,降低了系统闭环传递函数的特征根方程阶次,提高了系统的稳定性及动态响应速度.分析了滤波电感偏差系数对系统性能的影响,得到系统临界稳定的滤波电感偏差系数随着滤波电感的寄生电阻和线路等效电阻的增大而增大,随着采样频率的增大而减小的结论.综合考虑系统的稳定性与动态响应速度,给出了关键控制参数的优化选取范围.仿真和实验结果验证了所提方法的有效性.

关 键 词:无差拍并网控制;鲁棒脉宽调制;滞后一拍控制;稳定性;动态性

A Deadbeat Grid-connected Control Method Based on Robust PWM
Abstract:In the grid-connected inverter based on the deadbeat current control, the filter inductance variation and one-step-delay control delay affect the distortion of the grid current, stability and dynamic response speed of the system. In this paper, a deadbeat grid-connected control method based on robust PWM is proposed, which reduces the distortion of the grid current caused by the filter inductance variation, effectively solves the delay of the one-step-delay control, reduces the characteristic root equation order of the closed-loop transfer function of the system, and improves the stability and dynamic response speed of the system. The influence of the filter inductance deviation coefficient on the system performance is analyzed, and the filter inductance deviation coefficient of the system critical stability increases with the increase of the parasitic resistance of the filter inductance and the line equivalent resistance and decreases with the increase of the sampling frequency. Considering the stability and dynamic response speed of the system, the optimal selection range of the key control parameters is given. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords:deadbeat grid-connected control   robust PWM   one-step-delay control   stability   dynamic
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