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一种基于移动代理的Ad hoc无线网络路由方法
引用本文:李峰,沈海红,杨震. 一种基于移动代理的Ad hoc无线网络路由方法[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 25(3): 8-12
作者姓名:李峰  沈海红  杨震
作者单位:南京邮电大学,信息工程系,江苏 南京,210003
摘    要:Ad hoc无线网络是一组具有路由和转发功能的移动节点组成的一个多跳的临时性自治系统,是一种无中心的无线网络。现有的主动路由协议或者按需路由协议都不能很好的满足Ad hoc网络的需要。文中首先介绍了Ad hoc无线移动网络和移动代理技术,接着在分析两种按需路由协议中加入移动代理的技术的基础上,作者提出了综合两种技术的新方法,即基于移动代理的路由方案,以达到既节省网络路由建立所耗费的资源,又缩短路由建立时间的目的。最后给出了仿真的结果和下一步的工作。

关 键 词:Adhoc无线移动网络  移动代理  移动代理包  遍历记录

Routing Scheme Based on Mobile Agent in Ad hoc Wireless Networks
LI Feng,SHEN Hai-hong,YANG Zhen. Routing Scheme Based on Mobile Agent in Ad hoc Wireless Networks[J]. JJournal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2005, 25(3): 8-12
Authors:LI Feng  SHEN Hai-hong  YANG Zhen
Affiliation:LI Feng,SHEN Hai-hong,YANG ZhenDepartment of Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China
Abstract:Ad hoc network is a multi-hop self-organized temporary system composed of mobile nodes with routing and transferring ability.Current proactive routing protocols or on-demand routing protocols can't meet the requirements of Ad hoc network.Ad hoc wireless mobile networks and mobile agent technology are first introduced in this paper.Based on the analysis of two kinds of techniques with mobile agent technology in on-demand routing protocols,a new method which integrate the two kinds of techniques mentioned above is proposed based on mobile agent.Finally,the simulating results and future work are described.
Keywords:Ad hoc wireless mobile networks  Mobile agent  Mobile agent packet  Traversal record
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