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引用本文:许世岩 张兴齐 邓云玲 张建华. 关于公允竞走观察状态的研究[J]. 西北师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 40(3): 82-83,86
作者姓名:许世岩 张兴齐 邓云玲 张建华
作者单位:西北师范大学体育学院,西北师范大学体育学院,西北师范大学体育学院,西北师范大学体育学院 甘肃兰州 730070,甘肃兰州 730070,甘肃兰州 730070,甘肃兰州 730070
摘    要:采用实验法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对3种颜色、4种不同观察状态下人体双眼的闪光融合频率(CFF)进行研究.结果表明:颜色因素、原地站立观察和放音乐时观察对双眼的CFF有显著影响,客观上会造成竞走执裁时的不公允;停止放音乐和走动几步后观察会削弱这种影响.建议竞走比赛时停止播放音乐,同时裁判员在自己负责的区域内适当走动,以提高执裁水平.

关 键 词:竞走 观察状态 裁判员 闪光融合频率 公允

Study on the fair-minded and allowed observation state of race walking judge
XU Shi-yan,ZHANG Xing-qi,DENG Yun-ling,ZHANG Jian-hua. Study on the fair-minded and allowed observation state of race walking judge[J]. Journal of Northwest Normal University Natural Science (Bimonthly), 2004, 40(3): 82-83,86
Authors:XU Shi-yan  ZHANG Xing-qi  DENG Yun-ling  ZHANG Jian-hua
Abstract:Based on test, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, the CFF of eyes in different colors and observation states are studied. The results show that there exists significant influence to the CFF of eyes in the color factors,the observation states of stationary stand and the broadcasting music, and this can result in impartial judge in judging process. On the contrary, no-mus ic and proper walk can reduce the CFF influence of different observation states. It is suggested that music should be stopped and the race walking judges should walk properly in their charge area during the course of the competition in order to improve the judge level of the race walking judges.
Keywords:race walking  the observation state  judge of walking  CFF  the fa ir-mi nded and allowed  
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