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引用本文:李微. 试析抗战时期中国红十字会的救护活动[J]. 贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2004, 0(4): 46-49
摘    要:中国红十字会在抗战时期的救护工作大体可以分两个阶段:七七事变发生至南京沦陷为第一阶段,主要是对伤兵实行收容治疗;第二阶段即从南京沦陷至抗战结束,这一阶段的特点主要是采取了流动救护,亦派队前往缅甸对远征军进行救护,也对共产党军队提供了医疗支援。可以说,中国红十字会是抗战时期整个救护体系的核心。同时,由于国民政府的不断干涉,红十字会也逐渐失去了它民间团体的本来性质,转而受政府控制。

关 键 词:抗战时期  中国红十字会  救护活动

First Aid of the Chinese Red Cross During the War of Resistance Against Japan
LI Wei. First Aid of the Chinese Red Cross During the War of Resistance Against Japan[J]. Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Science Edition), 2004, 0(4): 46-49
Authors:LI Wei
Abstract:During the War of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945)the Chinese Red Cross offered first aid services to the military personnel and organizations.From the July 7 Incident of 1937 to the peroid when Nanjing was occupied by the enemy was the first course, and the Chinese Red Cross established hospitals to accept the wounded soldiers. After the withdrawal from Nanjing to the ending of the war was the second course and the mobile ambulance became the war's basic first aid form. At the same time, the Chinese Red Cross still provided support for the expeditionary force in Burma and the Chinese Communists.The Chinese Red Cross was the center for whole first aid system at the wartime.However,the national government gradually put the Chinese Red Cross into the military system, then the Chinese Red Cross was not a private group.
Keywords:War of Resistance Against Japan  Chinese Red Cross  first aid
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