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引用本文:苏巴拉亚. 关于李约瑟的印度科学观[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2000, 19(4): 325-331
摘    要:李约瑟在其论述中国科学和文明的系列巨著中,展示了他对迷人的古代文明之一-中国文明的概念细微差别与成就的敏锐。另外,他就思想与实践从一种文化传播到另一种文化所作的思考可谓不同凡响。尤为人注目的是,他在天文学、数学、炼丹术及其它方面对印之间科学传播的阐述。虽然为了解印度科学,他大体上依赖于其他学者的研究,但他对待印度科学的客观态度却令人耳目一新,并且由于其巨著对古代印度科学的某些方面提供了相当透彻的见解,因此这部巨著对印度科学史家来说确有价值。事实上,李约瑟精心筹划的多卷本系列形式以及各卷本内容上的旁征博引乃是印度科学史家们灵感之源泉。

关 键 词:李约瑟 印度 科学史研究 炼丹术 原子论

Needham's Perspectives on Indian Science Some Reflections
B.V.Subbarayappa. Needham's Perspectives on Indian Science Some Reflections[J]. Studies In The History of Natural Sciences, 2000, 19(4): 325-331
Abstract:In his monumental publications on Chinese Science and Civilisation,Joseph Needham has displayed his acumen in bringing to the fore the conceptual nuances and achievements of one of the enchanting ancient civilisations.In addition,his reflections on the travel of ideas and practices from one culture to another are remarkable.Of special interest is his exposition of Chinese Indian scientific transmissions in astronomy,mathematics,alchemy and other aspects.Though he has depended by and large on the studies of other scholars for understanding Indian Science,his objective approach to Indian Science is refreshing and his publications are indeed valuable to historians of Indian Science as they provide comparative insights into certain aspects of Indian Science in the ancient period.In fact,Needham's meticulously planned series of volumes and the scholarly presentation of their contents are a source of inspiration for historians of Indian Science.
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