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Monte Carlo模拟PEFC电极电催化剂的利用率
引用本文:付川,傅扬武,祁俊生,胡杰. Monte Carlo模拟PEFC电极电催化剂的利用率[J]. 西南民族学院学报(自然科学版), 2005, 31(5): 705-709
作者姓名:付川  傅扬武  祁俊生  胡杰
作者单位:[1]重庆三峡学院化学与环境工程系,万州404000 [2]重庆大学化学化工学院,重庆400044
基金项目:重庆市自然基金资助项目(渝科 20020067)重庆市教委基金资助项目(021101).
摘    要:膜电极是质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的核心部分,建立了膜电极的随机方格子模型,在电极模型各格点位置用Montecarlo方法生成随机分布的电极粒子、Nanon溶液粒子和聚四氟乙烯团粒,把电极的输出电流转化成一个概率事件,确定了有效输出电流迷宫通道模型,并建立了非即回无规行走扫描算法,运用MATLAB和C语言编写了模拟程序实现了对膜电极催化刑利用率的统计,并探讨了电极结构和电极制备工艺对催化利利用率的影响.

关 键 词:膜电极  催化剂  Monte  Carlo模拟

Monte Carlo simulation of the membrane electrode assembly for PEFC
FU Chuan,FU Yang-wu,QI Jun-Sheng,HU Jie. Monte Carlo simulation of the membrane electrode assembly for PEFC[J]. Journal of Southwest Nationalities College(Natural Science Edition), 2005, 31(5): 705-709
Authors:FU Chuan  FU Yang-wu  QI Jun-Sheng  HU Jie
Abstract:In the thesis, we propose a random lattice model of MEA. The lattice model randomly occupied by Pt/C, Nafion and PTFE(poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene), is generated on a computer by Monte Carlo method. A labyrinth channel and arithmetic of non then back random walk(NTBRW) are established and performed. The simulation programs are written with C and MATLAB on the base of arithmetic of non reversal random walk. Utilization of catalyst is obtained by statistical algorithm of NTBRW. Results of Monte Carlo simulation show that the utilization of catalysts deeply depend on the thickness of catalyst layer, and the optimum loading of Pt/C and Nafion.
Keywords:MEA  catalyst  Monte Carlo simulation
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