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Colonial ascidians from the Foveaux Strait region of New Zealand
Authors:M. J. Page
Affiliation:Marine Ecology and Aquaculture, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA), Nelson, New Zealand
Abstract:Colonial ascidians collected from wharf piles and natural substrata from Bluff Harbour and Stewart Island in the South Island of New Zealand are described in this paper. Two species, Lissoclinum violaceum sp. nov. and Didemnum marineae sp. nov. are new to science and described for the first time. The ascidian fauna in this region is a mixed assemblage of southern species, species with a New Zealand-wide distribution, and two species with trans-Tasman affinities.


Keywords:New Zealand  colonial ascidians  Polycitoridae  Didemnidae  Aplidium  Didemnum
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