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引用本文:周国华,张羽,李延来,赵国堂. 基于前景理论的施工安全管理行为演化博弈[J]. 系统管理学报, 2012, 21(4): 501-509
作者姓名:周国华  张羽  李延来  赵国堂
作者单位:1. 西南交通大学经济管理学院,成都,610031
2. 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院,成都,610031
3. 西南交通大学经济管理学院,成都610031;京沪高速铁路股份有限公司,北京100000
摘    要:施工人员和安全管理人员的策略选择直接影响到相关人员的生命财产安全,也关系到项目的成败。将前景理论引入演化博弈分析过程,构建了有别于传统收益矩阵的收益感知矩阵,并应用于工程施工安全管理行为研究,得到从根本上消除不重视安全行为所必须达到的4项条件。结合现代行为学研究结论,证明4项条件在现实中难以达到,从而较好地解释了现实中安全损失巨大而有意不安全行为频发的矛盾现象。最后,运用数值仿真技术,给出可以促使系统达到理想状态的6个调节参数,并验证了京沪高速铁路工程施工中安全管理优秀做法特别是心理意识调节方法的合理性和有效性。

关 键 词:前景理论  工程施工  安全管理  收益感知矩阵  演化博弈  京沪高速铁路

Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Behavior of Construction Safety Management Based on Prospect Theory
ZHOU Guo-hua , ZHANG Yu , LI Yan-lai , ZHAO Guo-tang. Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Behavior of Construction Safety Management Based on Prospect Theory[J]. Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications, 2012, 21(4): 501-509
Authors:ZHOU Guo-hua    ZHANG Yu    LI Yan-lai    ZHAO Guo-tang
Affiliation:1a,2(1a.School of Economics and Management 1b.School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China; 2.Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway CO.,LTD,Beijing 100000,China;)
Abstract:The strategies managers and workers choose affect the safety of the participants and property,and further influence the success of a project.Prospect Theory is integrated into Evolutionary Game Theory and the Perceived Benefits Matrix,which was different from the payoff matrix,is constructed and used to study the behavior of construction safety management.The study shows that eliminating the risk-taking behavior problems must meet the four required conditions.But according to the Prospect Theory and other theories of cognitive psychology,a conclusion is drawn that it is difficult to meet these four conditions in reality.This explains the paradox that risk-taking behavior exists although it causes huge losses.Finally,using Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway construction project as an example,numerical simulation is used to get the process in which six adjustable parameters,specially the psychological one,make the system achieve the desired state.
Keywords:prospect theory  construction  safety management  perceived benefits matrix  evolutionary game  Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway
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