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引用本文:刘雪珍,何朝峰,覃奠仁,李培. 民族地区普通高中贫困生资助方式偏好性调查[J]. 河池师专学报, 2011, 0(2): 89-92
作者姓名:刘雪珍  何朝峰  覃奠仁  李培
基金项目:广西教育厅科研立项项目(200911LX401); 河池学院引进人才科研启动经费资助项目(2010QS-H012)
摘    要:该研究采用自编普通高中贫困生资助方式偏好性问卷,对民族地区普通高中贫困生资助方式偏好性进行调查。结果表明,除助学贷款和助学金以外,民族地区高中贫困生对其它各因子偏好性呈显著差异;他们对减免缓交学费的偏好程度最高,对公开性资助的偏好程度最低;女贫困生在勤工助学因子上的偏好性极显著高于男贫困生,其它因子无显著差异;高一贫困生对资助的偏好程度显著高于高三。

关 键 词:民族地区  普通高中贫困生  资助  偏好性

A Survey into Financial Aids Preference of Financially Strapped Senior Middle School Students in Ethnic Areas
LIU Xue-zhen,HE Chao-feng,QIN Dian-ren,LI Pei. A Survey into Financial Aids Preference of Financially Strapped Senior Middle School Students in Ethnic Areas[J]. Journal of Hechi Normal College, 2011, 0(2): 89-92
Authors:LIU Xue-zhen  HE Chao-feng  QIN Dian-ren  LI Pei
Affiliation:(School of Teacher Education,Hechi University,Yizhou,Guangxi 546300,China)
Abstract:The researchers investigated the current situation of financial aids preference of financially strapped senior middle school students in ethnic areas by questionnaires.The results are as follows: Financially strapped senior middle school students in ethnic areas differ significantly from one another concerning all the other factors,except Student Loan and assistantship;financially strapped senior middle school students have the highest preference for tuition fee of remission and delay,and have the lowest preference for high-open financial aids;financially strapped senior middle school female students have significantly higher preference for work-study program than that of male ones;and financially strapped freshmen have significantly higher preference for financial aids than that of juniors.
Keywords:ethnic areas  financially strapped senior middle school students  financial aids  preference
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