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引用本文:李冬红. 宋型文化中诗词的不同走向[J]. 湖州师专学报, 2010, 0(3): 1-5
摘    要:在雅俗文化相互渗透的宋代文化环境中,雅致和世俗成为文士们审美意趣与生活情趣对立统一的两个基本点,他们的文学作品也典型地体现出雅俗兼融的特点。但是由于文体特点、功能、地位及发展阶段的不同,宋诗和宋词在雅俗发展上出现了不一致的走向,表明雅俗观念作为一种社会意识形态,始终影响甚至制约着文学的发展,同时文学自身规律的发展,又促使雅俗观念等审美意识发生变化,以适应变化了的客观现实,从而对文化走向产生一定的推动力。

关 键 词:宋型文化  诗词走向  雅致  世俗

The Different Tendencies of Poetry in the Culture of the Song Dynasty
Affiliation:LI Dong - hong (School of Chinese Literature, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China)
Abstract:In the cultural environment permeated with one another, refinery and of the Song Dynasty in which refinery and populari popularity were the two basic contradictory but uni spects for the men of letters to appreciate at that time. Their literary works typically embodied ty were fled re- the fea- ture of the combination of the two. But because of different stylistic characteristics, functions, status and various growing stages, the poetry of the Song Dynasty showed inconsistent tendencies in creation, which, as a social ideological poetry, the idea of appreciating refinery and popularity always affects and restricts the development of literature and at the same time, the development of literature itself promotes the change of aesthetic consciousness so as to suit the changed objective reality, thus bringing about cer- tain promoting force toward the tendencies of cultural development.
Keywords:the culture of Song Dynasty  the tendency of poetry  refinery  popularity
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