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引用本文:刘德新. 关于发展校办产业的思考[J]. 山东理工大学学报:自然科学版, 1994, 0(3)
摘    要:我院的校办产业尚处于初级阶段,还未能充分体现高校的智力优势和科技优势,经济效益低而不稳。必须强化经济效益意识,以抢占的姿态扭住社会主义市场经济的机遇不放,采取得力的,符合市场经济规律的举措,开发或引进起点高、技术含量高、经济效益显著的支柱产品,在科技成果向产业转化,尤其是软件成果的产业化方面花大力气,下真功夫,在市场经济的大潮中闯出一条校办产业的腾飞之途。

关 键 词:校办产业  科技优势  市场经济

Thinking About The Development of Institute-run Enterprises
Liu Dexin. Thinking About The Development of Institute-run Enterprises[J]. Journal of Shandong University of Technology:Science and Technology, 1994, 0(3)
Authors:Liu Dexin
Affiliation:Department of Scientific Research
Abstract:In order to further develop the enterprises run by our insistute which are still in initial stage and unable to refelect the superiority on science and technology of the institute, some effective means should be taken to develop high-tech products, especially software products, and to success the competetion in the socialist market economy.
Keywords:Institute-run enterprise   Superiority on science and technology   Market economy
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