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引用本文:李万军. 现代设计道路的反思[J]. 理工高教研究, 2011, 1(1)
作者单位:武汉纺织大学,湖北 武汉,430073
摘    要:

关 键 词:现代设计  欲望  技术  大道  

Introspection on Ways of Modern Design
Li Wanjun. Introspection on Ways of Modern Design[J]. Journal of Technology College Education, 2011, 1(1)
Authors:Li Wanjun
Affiliation:Li Wanjun (Wuhan Textile University,430073,Wuhan,Hubei)
No exact definition is given to modern design.A positive attitude is one that analyzes the phenomenon and existing problems of design and marks off its boundary.After the fight between technology and art at a certain period in history,modern design has tried to build a unified relationship between art and technology.However,one-sided understanding of design will lead to lack of human care in modern design which also brings the flooding of nihilism,technological worship and hedonism.Therefore it is of vital ...
Keywords:modern design  desire  technology  way  
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