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引用本文:陈玉艳,潘峰. 平均场加邻近轨道相互作用对力模型对超铀区大形变核的应用[J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 25(1): 18-22
作者姓名:陈玉艳  潘峰
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 10 175 0 31),辽宁省教育厅科研基金资助项目 ( 990 3110 11)
摘    要:利用严格可解的平均场加邻近轨道相互作用对力模型来描述大形变核 .将该模型应用于超铀区的核素 .计算了2 2 6 2 3 4 Th ,2 3 0 2 40 U及2 3 6 2 43 Pu同位素的结合能和对激发能 ,并与实验结果进行比较 .

关 键 词:平均场  邻近轨道相互作用对力  结合能  对激发

Applications of Mean-field Plus Nearest-orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Actinide Nuclei
CHEN Yu yan,PAN Feng. Applications of Mean-field Plus Nearest-orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Actinide Nuclei[J]. Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2002, 25(1): 18-22
Authors:CHEN Yu yan  PAN Feng
Abstract:An exactly solvable mean field plus nearest orbit pairing model for the description of well deformed nuclei is applied to the actinide region.Binding energies and pairing excitation energies of 226 234 Th, 230 240 U,and 236 243 Pu isotopes are calculated.The results are compared with the corresponding experimental values.
Keywords:mean field  nearest orbit pairing interaction  binding energy  pairing excitation
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