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扩散-反应产物形态形成的Monte Carlo计算机模拟
引用本文:张明柱,倪锋,龙锐. 扩散-反应产物形态形成的Monte Carlo计算机模拟[J]. 河南科技大学学报(自然科学版), 1999, 20(2): 1
作者姓名:张明柱  倪锋  龙锐
作者单位:1. 洛阳工学院机设工程系
2. 洛阳工学院材料工程系,河南洛阳,471039
摘    要:在二维平面上对扩散—反应过程进行了MonteCarlo计算机模拟。结果表明,扩散—反应产物形态取决于其界面反应速度与相应组元扩散速度的相对大小。当界面反应为过程的控制环节时,产物趋于紧密的球形;当扩散为过程的控制环节时,产物趋于松散的分枝状。重溶作用使产物形态呈破碎状。

关 键 词:扩散  反应  计算机模拟

Monte Carlo Computer Simulation of Resultant Morphology of Diffusion-Reaction Process
ZHANG Mingzhu,NI Feng,LONG Rui. Monte Carlo Computer Simulation of Resultant Morphology of Diffusion-Reaction Process[J]. Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Natural Science, 1999, 20(2): 1
Authors:ZHANG Mingzhu  NI Feng  LONG Rui
Abstract:Monte Carlocomputer simulation of diffusion-reaction process has been made in two dimension space. Itis showed that morphology of the resultant depends on reaction and diffusion speed. Whendiffusion is the control link of the process, morphology of the resultant tends towardsfine spheroid shape. While reaction is the control link, it tends towards developeddendrite form. Resolution of resultant makes it brake.
Keywords:Diffusion  Reactions  Computerized simulation
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