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引用本文:王忠伟 王英凯 王德林. 宋元明清时期管理思想的承接[J]. 鞍山科技大学学报, 2007, 30(1): 61-68,71
作者姓名:王忠伟 王英凯 王德林
摘    要:宋元明清时期是中国管理思想的承接阶段,管理思想没有跳出秦汉到隋唐时期的旧有框架和体系,只是对管理制度进行了部分的调整和变革,乏见新意.这一时期的管理思想代表人物有宋太祖、赵普、范仲淹、王安石、叶适、耶律楚材、张居正、黄宗羲、顾炎武、王夫之、康熙、雍正、龚自珍等.

关 键 词:宋元明清 管理思想 承接

Continue of management idea in Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties
WANG Zhong-wei , WANG Ying-kai , WANG De-lin. Continue of management idea in Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties[J]. Journal of Anshan University of Science and Technology, 2007, 30(1): 61-68,71
Authors:WANG Zhong-wei    WANG Ying-kai    WANG De-lin
Affiliation:School of Business Administration, University of Science and Teclmology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China
Abstract:The period of Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties was the continued phase of China management idea,and the management idea did not break away the old frame and system of Qinhan to Sui and Tang dynasties'.The adjusted and changed parts of the idea were only some management rules,and no other new content.The management idea representative figures of the period were Songtaizu,Zhaopu,Fanzhongyan,Wanganshi,Yeshi,Yelichucai,Zhangjuzheng,Huangzhongxi,Guyuanwu,Wangfuzhi,Kangxi,Yongzheng,Gongzizhen and so on.
Keywords:Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties   management idea   continue
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