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引用本文:文小华,王相金,沈忠华. 基于双线性对和智能卡的远程用户认证方案[J]. 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 0(5): 403-406
作者姓名:文小华  王相金  沈忠华
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y6110782); 浙江省教育厅科研基金项目(Y201016497); 杭州市高校重点实验室科技创新项目(20100331T11); 杭州师范大学科研项目(2010QN26)
摘    要:文章提出了一种使用双线性对和智能卡的远程用户认证方案.在方案中,如果登录请求为有效时,则远程系统接受请求,并允许用户登入系统.该方案利用了椭圆曲线上离散对数的困难性,使得计算成本更低,安全性更高.另外,该方案主要在注册阶段和登录阶段加强了安全性,能够抵御重放攻击、内部攻击、假冒服务器攻击,同时提供了灵活的密码修改方式,并实现了双向认证.

关 键 词:认证方案  智能卡  双线性对  远程用户  双向认证

A Remote User Authentication Scheme Based on Bilinear Pairings and Smart Card
WEN Xiao-hua,WANG Xiang-jin,SHEN Zhong-hua. A Remote User Authentication Scheme Based on Bilinear Pairings and Smart Card[J]. , 2011, 0(5): 403-406
Authors:WEN Xiao-hua  WANG Xiang-jin  SHEN Zhong-hua
Affiliation:WEN Xiao-hua,WANG Xiang-jin,SHEN Zhong-hua(College of Science,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,China)
Abstract:The paper presened a remote user authentication scheme based on bilinear pairings and smart card.In this scheme,the remote system receives user login request and allows login to the remote system if the login request is valid.This scheme uses elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem to lower the computation cost and highten the security.In addition,the scheme enhances the security in registration phase and login phase.The scheme can withstand replay attack,forgery attack and insider attack.The password can...
Keywords:authentication scheme  smart card  bilinear pairings  remote user  mutual authentication  
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