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引用本文:吴平安,方秦,王年桥,郭志昆. 脉冲荷载作用下钢筋砼梁破坏形态分析[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 1(6): 1-6
作者姓名:吴平安  方秦  王年桥  郭志昆
作者单位:[1]解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院,江苏南京210007 [2]解放军理工大学科研部,江苏南京210007
摘    要:在冲击,爆炸等脉冲荷载作用下,地下防护结构的破坏形态比核武器作用下的要复杂得多,可能由原来的延性弯坏变为脆性剪坏。以常规武器作用下土中浅埋钢筋混凝土框架结构为背景,将其顶板简化为梁或单向板,并基于Timoshenko梁理论,采用有限差分方法,分析了钢筋混凝土梁或单向板的早期动力响应,最后提出了一种爆炸中荷载作用下钢筋混凝土梁或单向板破坏形态的弹性预报方法。计算分析结果表明,预报方法与试验观察结果基本一致,具有一定的工程实用价值。

关 键 词:破坏形态 钢筋砼梁 剪切破坏 有限差分法 脉冲荷载 钢筋混凝土梁 Timoshenko梁理论

The Analysis of Failure Modes of RC BeamsUnder Impulsive Loading
WU Ping an,FANG Qin,WANG Nian qiao and GUO Zhi kun. The Analysis of Failure Modes of RC BeamsUnder Impulsive Loading[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2000, 1(6): 1-6
Authors:WU Ping an  FANG Qin  WANG Nian qiao  GUO Zhi kun
Affiliation:Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps,PLAUST,Nanjing 210007, China;Department of Science Research,PLAUST,Nanjing 210007,China;Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps,PLAUST,Nanjing 210007, China;Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps,PLAUST,Nanjing 210007, China
Abstract:Under the impulsive loading such as impact and blast ing ones, the failure modes of underg rounddefense st ructures are much more complex than those under nuclear lo ading , as co nv ent io nal duct ile bendingfailure can be t ransformed into brit t le shear failure. In this paper, the ear ly stag e dy namic response ofroo f slabs of shal low -buried RC frame st ructures under conv ent ional dy namic loads is studied. A nd a numericalpredictio n method for failure mo des of this type of st ructur es under impulsive lo ading is presentedby using of the finite different ial method based on the T imoshenko beam theory . T he result demonst ratesthat a g ood ag reement is obtained betw een the numerical predict io n metho d fo r the failure modes and experimentalobservat ion, and that this predict ion method has high engineering appl ication values
Keywords:RC beam   shear failure   the finite dif ferent ial method   impulsive lo ading
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